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2 Comments YouTube App Gets Support for Fullscreen Playback of Vertical Videos Posted July 24, 2015 at 3:01am Google has updated the YouTube app for iOS with support for fullscreen playback of vertical videos.... iPad Mini 4 to be Smaller Version of iPad Air 2, iPad Air 3 to Feature A9 Chip?A new report suggests that the upcoming iPad mini 4 is essentially a smaller version of the iPa...Police Shut Down Factory That Made Over 41,000 Counterfeit iPhonesPolice in Beijing have shut down a factory that produced over 41,000 counterfeit iPhones, worth...Best Buy to Start Selling Apple Watch in AugustBest Buy has announced that it will start selling the Apple Watch on August 7th....Apple Has Reportedly Scrapped Plans for a 4-inch iPhone 6cApple has reportedly scrapped its plans for releasing a 4-inch iPhone 6c....Boot Speed Test: iPod touch 5G vs
iPhone Tips: How to Fix Wifi Grayed-out Problem - The iPhone and iPad Blog
but when i follow your suggestion and restart it, it works!!! Glaiza Yes I fixed mine by turning off my iphone 3g, locked it into a plastic bag and then throwing it into the freezer only for 5min. Arpit If you have not upgraded or downgraded your phone then the best solution is to first try doing a shut down an switch back on after 2 minutes Paolo Worked like a champ! Thanks for posting
Among the new tweaks released in the past week was Dissident, a new true backgrounding tweak, and LyricForMusic, a tweak that makes it possible to display song lyrics from Apple Music. If you are looking for something new to pass the time as you forget your troubles this weekend, check out our list of apps and games that might just give you the distraction you are looking for
How I recovered my iPhone's lost GSM signal!
i own a 3GS with service issues, i have checked the motherboard and have noticed that one of the inductors located to the right of the antenna connection is missing :(. But I tried one last thing: I noticed that when I held the phone loosely I got a better signal so I decided to replace a protective hard plastic cover I use to house the phone and there I instantly had better numbers
Unfortunately, the new firmware patches the primary kernel exploit utilized by TaiG, in addition to several others, rending the tool useless for devices running iOS 8.1.3. As always do not recommend novice users trying to install this beta, of course if you have the Jailbreak stay away because after update you can not go back and install iOS 8.1.2, latest firmware Jailbreakkabile
iPhone Stuck With Apple Logo? iPhone Not Booting Up And Stuck With Apple Logo - Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS6 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides
i have saved but while when asked for it in red snow it fails to verify...also in redsnow when it tells u to follow the instructions to go into the DFU mode , i follow the step by step procedure but the timing of iphone and the redsnow is not considing resulting in error..plz can u guide how to enter pwn dfu ...and also isnt there any other way to restore to factory conditions ?? April 6, 2013 at 6:01 PM anonymus said... I was about to connect it to my computer to use iExplorer to get my most important data and it rebooted again and is now still stuck in continuous reboot loop
iPhone news, reviews, rumors, and how-to's - CNET
Articleby Rick BroidaJuly 10, 2015 11:31 AM PDT facebook twitter googleplus email Fund this: Dot is the world's smallest Bluetooth headset Already a Kickstarter success story, this impossibly tiny earbud can be used alone or paired with a second Dot for stereo listening. Articleby Lance WhitneyJuly 13, 2015 6:24 AM PDT facebook twitter googleplus email Use Microsoft Tossup to quickly get group feedback Whether you're planning a meeting, looking for a dinner spot, or just conducting a friendly poll, Microsoft's new app makes it easy
Have you got much more justifications? Work on, it will be a good website in the foreseeable future Reply Tom Stoppard says: January 16, 2012 at 9:00 pm A very exciting principle. I have not been able to find that file for mac online?? any suggestions??? thansk Reply Jose says: December 8, 2012 at 12:35 am Your video for the Iphone 3gs is very well done
then i want to restore the backup that i did before upgrading, so I would have to click restore+option key to select the backup i want, but the restore button is greyed out. .etc gone missing after the jailbreak? tvztvzNo, everything is still available and it is working as expected, though I have held off on syncing the phone with iTunes until I get an answer
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August 30th, 2011 Teen Hacker Gets Job at Apple 19-year-old hacker Nicholas Allegra who is probably better known to the Internet world as Comex has landed an internship at Apple, according to his words. iPhoneSimFree September 23rd, 2007: SimFree.app Available via AppTapp Installer! As part of our promise to continually develop and improve our service to our customers, we are proud to announce that SimFree.app is now easier and faster to install
Frequently Asked Questions - JailbreakQA
Maybe you installed a incompatible tweak? Try Cydia Substrate's (Mobile Substrate's) safety feature: If that doesn't help, it could be that a tweak you installed before rebooting (even days before rebooting) is very incompatible with your version of iOS, which could cause a "boot loop" (getting the Apple logo over and over). The computer on which you are running greenpois0n needs to have a good, non-proxied broadband internet connection, which is needed because greenpois0n downloads a couple of payload files (the iBSS and kernelcache of your device firmware) from Apple
Reply Link bskate100 February 23, 2011, 6:16 am Hi i have a 4th generation ipod touch on 4.2.1 and after i jailbroke it with green poison RC5, it had the loader app but not the installer app. someone know why? Thank you Reply Link costin March 22, 2011, 3:32 pm hello I restored and did the greenpois0n rc5 jailbreak and everything goes good until I try to install cydia.i can t connect to the network .i ve tried different networks via wifi with no result
Dev-Team Blog
Expect an ultrasn0w compatibility update for iOS 6.0 by Friday (mostly useful for 3GS old-bootrom users who are currently enjoying the untethered 6.0 jailbreak!)
Reply colon cleansers says: January 13, 2012 at 6:27 am You got the right stuff! Also your website loads up fast! Who are you hosting with? Please, pass me your affiliate link for your host? I wish my website is as quick as yours. Reply Victor says: January 12, 2012 at 4:42 am Hi, I followed your Youtube steps, when it came to my Redsnow browsing for the firmware, it is not able to find it
What Is Reverse Phone Lookup For Jailbreak 3GS Phones? The use in the cellphone arrives along with plenty of convenience, particularly when you do a Jailbreak 3GS
Full Money Back Guarantee If you are dissatisfied with our iPhone unlocking and jailbreaking service, you can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase. iPhone 4 4.3.5 After wasting several days struggling with another unlocking website I decided to try you people out and I'm glad I did - it worked first time! David Parr - Mcalester, OK
than put the file into ur c: drive and select that file in red snow Adn Jailbreak failed Quit ( Restart to Retry) max Hi adn, Is your jailbreak successful? i also encounter the similar problem. What is my next step? Thanks for the help crow according to readme file it says noting about iphone 3g, Ive tried SEVERAL TIMES but i cannot get it to go into DFU mode can someone please help!!!!?????? lius why my iphone got BLANK !!!!! help me guys Filthyjason This worked great on my 3GS with the old bootrom
iPhone Tethering Capability: It's amazing to us that even most iphone users who have an unlocked iphone or jailbroken iphone don't even know about this jailbreak feature. That is exactly why we pride ourselves in selling an affordable software solution! You also want to use an unlocked software program that is affordable
Unlock iPhone 4, Jailbreak iPhone - How To Unlock iPhone
These new editions come just in time for those out there who would like to own an iOS device and see what Apple Music is all about without having to buy and iPhone or iPad. TaiG had released a jailbreak for firmwares up to iOS 8.3 the week before iOS 8.4 went public and a lot of people in the jailbreak community were worries that Apple would patch the exploits being used before the final release of iOS 8.4
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