Many Pokemon Black Codes Action Replay Codes for Pokemon Black on DS
See codejunkies website support section for updating.(make sure the firmware file is a .bin and make sure the short cut application called "action replay dsi code manager" is set so that it does not start under administrator privileges
503 - Service Unavailable Error
503 - Service Unavailable Error We're sorry An error occurred when we tried to process your request.We're working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly
Pokemon White Action Replay Codes, Nintendo DS
Anyway, here's the detailsSpecies: RayquazaShiny: YesNature: NaiveLevel: 100Moves: Roar of TimeSpacial RendShadow ForceDraco Meteor(All Max PP)Level Met: 100Location Met: Black CityHidden Power Type: DarkHidden Power Strength: 70OT: LordPein (got to credit myself somewhere lol)Press L+R in game to activate.Will appear in Box 13 Slot 13. Takes up slot 1 of your party, so put a crappy Pokemon in the 1st slot so you don't lose anything valuable! Is pokesav generated (but not tested yet), so save before you try it out
Now go in the 'Move Pokemon' menu, press A on the Pokemon you wanna move, so the list of choice appear, and then put the cursor on 'move' (it should be there by default), Hold 'Select+Start' while pressing A to take the Pokemon, and while the Pokemon is 'in your hand', press R and then L (to refresh the box) and voila : your Pokemon will be cloned (it'll be in the box, and in the hand) Make sure Select and Start are held until the box is changed. 94000130 FCFF0000 02233E2C 02890001 02233E30 00640002 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 DA000000 02233E2E D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE90 D3000000 00000000 DA000000 02233E32 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 0224FE92 D3000000 00000000 D9000000 0224FE90 D3000000 00000000 C0000000 00000037 D6000000 0224FE90 D2000000 00000000 ::Box Pokmon Clone (Hold Select while moving) :::Hold Select after picking up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it Action Replay DSi: Video Games
We figured it out and were able to load codes without too many stumbles.THE RISKWe were at a GameStop store purchasing games when a boy came in with his DS not working. The fun of playing with cheat codes was not worth the risk for us.Google Search: Action Replay, Bricked (Hey, I didn't make this stuff up) Some of the corruption issues can be cleaned up.The main issue that most will experience is that the Action replay will reef the card port in your game system
Code: Spring (Select+Up) 94000130 FFBB0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Summer (Select+Right) 94000130 FFEB0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000001 D2000000 00000000 Autumn (Select+Down) 94000130 FF7B0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000002 D2000000 00000000 Winter (Select+Left) 94000130 FFDB0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000003 D2000000 00000000 Day Care Codes Code: Receive Egg from Day Care (press select) 94000130 fffb0000 b2000024 00000000 200217e8 00000001 d2000000 00000000 Fast Egg Hatch 521812d0 46c04718 521822d0 d30042b0 121812d2 0000e000 12182314 000046c0 d2000000 00000000 Pokedex Codes Use at your own risk The Complete Unova Pokedex Includes: All Formes of the 301 Non-Shiny Unova Pokemon Seen and Caught All Formes of the 296 Shiny Unova Pokemon Seen and Caught (Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, and Meloetta have no legitimate Shiny Formes. Code: Spring (Select+Up) 94000130 FFBB0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Summer (Select+Right) 94000130 FFEB0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000001 D2000000 00000000 Autumn (Select+Down) 94000130 FF7B0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000002 D2000000 00000000 Winter (Select+Left) 94000130 FFDB0000 B2000024 00000000 20036834 00000003 D2000000 00000000 Day Care Codes Code: Receive Egg from Day Care (press select) 94000130 fffb0000 b2000024 00000000 200217e8 00000001 d2000000 00000000 Fast Egg Hatch 52181310 46c04718 52182310 d30042b0 12182312 0000e000 12182354 000046c0 d2000000 00000000 Pokedex Codes Use at your own risk Code: Obtain National Dex and Pokedex Fully Upgrade (Press Select) Use at your own risk
Action Replay DS - The Official Guide. - General DS and DSi Forum (DS and DSi) - Neoseeker Forums
If you don't know what to do, just do what the pictures are telling you to do.Step 3:Click next, and when it asks you for the destination folder, leave it there, unless you are an advanced user and you know what you are doing. From there, you will see a similar installation window that you saw when you were installing the software.Step 4:When you are done, you have to create "Custom Codelists", to do that, go to where it says "My Codelists", and click the icon that looks like a paper with a green "+" sign
Cloning Code 94000130 FCFF0300 5200764C 1E523308 1200764C 0000C303 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFF0100 5200764C 1E52C303 1200764C 00003308 D2000000 00000000 Pick up a Pokemon in the PC while holding L. Code: Joker (Trigger) Values If you need to change the Joker (Trigger) for a certain code, here are the trigger commands that you can use to replace the code's trigger
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