Monday, 27 July 2015

How do u evolve eevee into espeon in soul silver

Top sites by search query "how do u evolve eevee into espeon in soul silver"

Magikarp Power - TV Tropes
However, it ends up as a laser which goes through almost everything and is one of the most damaging weapons and won't even richoet off the capital ships. It also has the bonus of eight bow and stern cannons, making it quite deadly when approached from any angle, whereas almost all other ships in the game have only two bow and stern cannons
Have fun! Verify this Report this Submitted by: mewkid on March 23, 2007 Duplicate Items To duplicate items you have to give a pokemon the item that you want to duplicate. Verify this Report this Submitted by: Blue Raquaza on May 14, 2005 The easiest way to find the 3 legendary dogs You must have met all 3 dogs in order to do this!Get a Pokemon that has very good speed and knows how to put other Pokemon to sleep
Tips For Beating Red If you want to beat red, here are his pokemon's weaknesses: Pikachu - Ground Snorlax - Fighting Charizard - Rock, Water, Electric Blastoise - Electric, Grass Venusaur - Fire, Poison, Flying Lapras - Fighting, Electric I recommend a level 100 team of these pokemon: Golem- Ground, Rock Poliwrath- Water, Fighting Zapdos- Electric, Flying Meganium- Grass Ho-oh- Fire, Flying Weezing- Poison Get Steelix Easy Once you've defeated Red and have Jasmine's phone number, go to her Gym and talk to her. Levels range (40-49) so this shouldn't be hard use a psychic type pokemon that is about level 43-45 that knows moves such as (confusion, and psychic) and for some of the pokemon fire could be used well here
Q: What are Buried Items? A: Buried items may only be found by smashing walls with Rock Smash or having a pokemon with the ability Pickup along, he will have a chance of picking up a Buried item every level. This dungeon is only 14 floors with no boss awaiting you at the end and shouldn't be too much trouble for your team, especially if you did some leveling before Great Canyon like I suggested
All of the Gen IV games have Nincada sources: HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Bug Catching Contest; Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, Eterna Forest with the PokeRadar. You can either bring your Treecko up from the Third Generation up via the Fourth Gen, or you can take advantage of the Hoenn starters given as a gift in HeartGold and SoulSilver

What pokemon evolve with th stones (water stone, fire stone ect., Pokemon Pearl Questions and answers for Nintendo DS
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Higher ratings are reached by having more submissions, being a pro submitter, a game expert and having good thumb ratings for sufficient submissions on the site. To raise happiness feed them plenty of potions and Hp Ups etc, groom them or give them haircuts, give them the soothe bell found at national park, make sure the pokemon is always 1st in a party, make sure it never faints, make it participate in gym battles (against the actual gym leader) and just talk to it and hopefully after around 15 - 25 levels it will evolve and it will be worth it

Eevee (Concept) - Giant Bomb
Thanks! Your changes are live! Some of your changes are live Because you're new to wiki editing, we sent your submission off to our moderators to check it over Games - The Eevee Factor
Either you trade the above and breed to get an Eevee on your Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald game or you trade an Eevee or it's evolution over from FireRed or LeafGreen. Then once you have done that you MUST raise it one level at the following times; between 12pm and 12am But to get Umbreon, you have to totally max out Eevee's happiness
Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.Fake Tears -- 100 20 -- Details The user feigns crying to fluster the target, harshly lowering its Sp. However, it also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.TM88 Sleep Talk -- -- 10 -- While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.TM90 Substitute -- -- 10 -- The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP

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