Best Pokemon SoulSilver Cheats for DS - G4tv
Call him on Sunday afternoon and he'll wait in the Saffron Dojo for a rematch with a Lvl 67 Exeggutor, Lvl 70 Tyranitar, Lvl 69 Machamp, Lvl 70 Rhyperior, Lvl 68... HG-LV 45 SS-LV70 Legendary Pokemon Zapdos Like Articuno you wil need all 16 badges, then go to the power plant and all the way to the left you will find Zapdos outside
S.S. Aqua - Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver Wiki Guide - IGN
When you do, you'll receive the SS Ticket, which will grant you access to the rest of Kanto (as you saw just a smidgen of it when going towards the Pokemon League). Upon going downstairs, you'll run into your character's mother, who will instruct you to visit Professor Elm at his laboratory at the northwestern end of the small town
It thankfully doesn't have Supersonic, Confuse Ray, or anything else that can possibly confuse you, but it does have Double Team - which isn't terrible, as moves like Shock Wave and Faint Attack can still hurt it without chance of missing. It will then use a move called Destiny Bond, which will take you down with it if you finish it in the same turn you KO it, or if you go first in the next turn and KO it
Badge Information The Coral-Eye Badge is given out at the Mikan Island Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Cissy.Info: In order to obtain this badge, Trainers are required to participate in an accuracy test and a race against its holder, Cissy. Danny The Spike Shell Badge is given out at the Trovita Island Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Rudy.Info: In order to obtain this badge, Trainers must first participate in an accuracy test similar to the other Gym Leader, Cissy
Share this page: Facebook Twitter Google+ Email Setting up rematches Before you can actually challenge a gym leader, you must find them when they are away from their gym. The list below has the information for each leader, plus we also provide a handy timetable format so you can easily see which trainers you can meet right now
But, its actually a Subverted Trope as Norman is a massive workaholic to the point that he blows off a long planned date with the player's mom! But then, he's nevertheless at home to help out in the epilogue of the Delta Episode, so it may be a Double Subverted Trope. Shrinking Violet: He's the only one of the three that stutters before, during, and after battle and doesn't seem as confident in his battle skills as his brothers
Take it." After being defeated "You're so tough! I have a special gift! It's Toxic, a powerful poison that steadily saps the victim's HP." "I'm going to really apply myself and improve my skills. Take it." "You're so tough! I have a special gift!" "It's Poison Jab, a powerful Poison-type move that may poison its victim." "I'm going to really apply myself and improve my skills
Battle Frontier - Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver Wiki Guide - IGN
Here you can find a few stands with people selling things for BP: Prizes Blue Stand Protein - 1BP Calcium - 1BP Iron - 1BP Zinc - 1BP Carbos - 1BP HP UP - 1BP Rare Candy - 48BP Power Bracer - 16BP Power Belt - 16BP Power Lens - 16BP Power Band - 16BP Power Anklet - 16BP Power Weight - 16BP Toxic Orb - 16BP Flame Orb - 16BP White Herb - 32BP Power Herb - 32BP BrightPowder - 48BP Focus Band - 48BP Focus Slash - 48BP Choice Band - 48BP Choice Scarf - 48BP Scope Lens - 48BP Muscle Band - 48BP Razor Claw - 48BP Razor Fang - 48BP Red Stand Aerial Ace - 40BP Brick Break - 40BP U-Turn - 40BP X-Scissors - 64BP Stone Edge - 80BP Earthquake - 80BP Shadow Ball - 64BP Energy Ball - 64BP Sludge Bomb - 80BP Dragon Pulse - 80BP Toxic - 32BP Thunder wave - 32BP Will-o-Wisp - 32BP Attract - 32BP Bulk Up - 48BP Calm Mind - 48BP Green Stand 3 Scratch off Cards - 1BP You get three cards and scratch them. Mortar Mahogany Town Route 43 Lake of Rage Team Rocket Headquarters Mahogany Town GYM The Rising Badge Goldenrod City Radio Tower Goldenrod City Underground Route 44 Ice Path Blackthorn City Blackthorn City GYM Dragon's Den The Search for Legends Routes 45 and 46 Dark Cave New Bark Town Ecruteak City Dance Hall Whirl Islands Bell Tower To the Pokemon League Routes 27 and 26 Kanto Walkthrough To the Pokemon League Routes 27 and 26 Victory Road The Pokemon League The Indigo Plateau S.S
The first instance occurs when Gary Oak reveals that he has at least ten Badges excluding the Earth Badge, of which only three correspond to known Kanto League Badges, suggesting there are at least fifteen Gyms in Kanto. Other Badges observed in the anime which do not correspond to known Badges suggest that there are at least 9 Gyms in Hoenn, 12 in Sinnoh and 14 in Unova
how do i get all the gym leaders phone numbers?, Pokemon Soul Silver Questions and answers for Nintendo DS
She will accept matches on Friday nights.You can get Brock's number in the Diglett Cave any day between noon and 3pm and he'll accept rematches on Saturday nights.You can get Misty's number in Route 25 however she'll only appear if you have defeated or caught Suicune. I also wouldn't think you would have to get arceus or the dragon trio because those are just from a special event and not part of the game story but I almost have every legendary except Latios Latias suicune raikou lugia and mewtwo
Viridian City Gym Locked Door, Pokemon Red Questions and answers for GameBoy
But I searched for the answer to this question for a long time before realizing that I had made a mistake, when the guard at the League told me I didn't have the marshbadge, much to my surprise. B i u Font Size Font color Strikeout Spoiler Quote Align Link List Add Pic Add Video BB Codes Guide This is to report a problem with the comment to the staff for moderation
Unlike the previous games, this time you have to navigate through a small maze around cliff areas in order to get the Waterfall falling on top of Chuck to stop. Like the previous games, the Vermillion City gym features several bings which feature switches within them to turn off a forcefield protecting the leader Once you reach the end of the Gym, you will encounter the Vermillion City Gym Leader; Lt
How do I find the gym leader in viridian city? - Pokemon SoulSilver Version Answers for DS - GameFAQs
5 years ago 2 0 chelsea067 answered: Yep, He's wrightbut he's the HARDEST gym leader of them all, even though it only took me one go at himMy tip EARTHQUAKE 5 years ago 0 1 TTF answered: The 7th is Cinnibar Island (actually, it's at Seafoam Island, go in the cave and climb the ladder to find the gym. However, men are quick to...Chrono TriggerWhen a newly developed teleportation device malfunctions at the Millennial Fair, young Crono must travel through time...Final Fantasy IIIA Tale Untold
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