In Unicode there is a dedicated number for each letter in the known languages, in ancient languages, and some imaginary or otherwise non existing languages, such as Klingon (yes, I know there are people who actually speak Klingon), may yet find their way into the standard. It even goes beyond that: whenever MySQL creates a temporary table due to non-indexed ORDER BY, or a VIEW query etc., it allocates the full extent for VARCHAR, as if it were a CHAR field
If you are reading this now then you will probably have to do this by hand, as most of the plugins written for the purpose have stopped working in the years since WP changed its default behavior. Here are some things you should look out for: Do your old posts look right? Are there any strange characters? Do complex punctuation marks look right? If you had international text in any of your posts check it speifically, is everything looking right? Does international text also look right when viewed in phpMyAdmin? Try writing a post and making sure it looks right
And if it doesn't, it may maybe not called a bug but at least there should be a way to force UTF8 input and also inserting (test) data instead of getting this error. With 850 set and normal raster font and everything possible set to utf8, I can create a database and a table and even use umlauts! INSIDE mysql.exe though
For fully atomic transactions as well as support for foreign key constraints, all participating CREATE TABLE statements must specify a transactional engine, which in the vast majority of cases is InnoDB. Note The PyODBC for MySQL dialect is not well supported, and is subject to unresolved character encoding issues which exist within the current ODBC drivers available
MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 10.1.4 Connection Character Sets and Collations
On the other hand, if you say SET NAMES 'latin1' or SET CHARACTER SET latin1 before issuing the SELECT statement, the server converts the latin2 values to latin1 just before sending results back. When I use java application to write Chinese characters in utf8 charset to the database, even if I set all charset variables to utf8, the characters can not display correctly
Test Convert the ColumnsYou should test all of the changes before committing them to your database.The first thing to test is that the SQL generated from the conversion script is correct. But for column definitions that have specified lengths, defaults or NOT NULL:MyColumn VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULLWe need to MODIFY keeping the same attributes, or the column definition will be fundamentally changed (see notes in ALTER TABLE)
If you then retrieve this byte from the db and output it in a utf8 page it will show just fine BUT if other apps query this byte (expecting to find a latin1 byte) they will go wrong.2
MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 10.1.12 Column Character Set Conversion
For example, if col1 contains binary data representing characters in the greek character set, you can convert it as follows: ALTER TABLE t MODIFY col1 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET greek; If your original column has a type of BINARY(50), you could convert it to CHAR(50), but the resulting values will be padded with 0x00 bytes at the end, which may be undesirable. For successful conversion to occur, one of the following conditions must apply: If the column has a binary data type (BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB), all the values that it contains must be encoded using a single character set (the character set you're converting the column to)
Fixing a MySQL Character Encoding Mismatch :
Here is what we were trying to do: copy the production database to the staging database so we could properly configure and test everything before pushing the new site live. aw View April 11, 2008 And some more things to declare that may help you to figure out my problem: 1) My server (online blog) is running very well on 2.2.2
character encoding - How to convert an entire MySQL database characterset and collation to UTF-8? - Stack Overflow
If the contents are encoded in a different character set, you can convert the column to use a binary data type first, and then to a nonbinary column with the desired character set. If not you will get rubbish data inserted to the utf8 table and question marks all over the place on your web page, making you think the table data is not utf8..
Character encoding hell: Converting MySQL latin1 to utf8 for use in Django
SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2012 By: Ranieri Machado Hi Mattias Gunneras, I have spent 2 hours trying to convert a Portuguese latin1 database to utf8 and got no success.Your article helped a lot. We basically have different character encodings* because we have lots of different spoken and written languages in the world, and it was hard for the brilliant computer scientists back in the day to get it all right the first time
Change MySQL default character set to UTF-8 in my.cnf? - Stack Overflow
If you want to set a mysql option that does not apply to other clients, using this group is appropriate, but setting the same option value in both locations is redundant. Class with members that are mutable during creation but immutable afterwards Swap capitalization of two strings Apartment I never lived in is collecting against me
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