Monday, 27 July 2015

Select month name from datetime in sql server

Top sites by search query "select month name from datetime in sql server"

How to get Month Name from datetime column in Linq to SQL? - CodeProject
Above example is written without test and as I can see the easiest solution is to fetch datetime values into list and then do formatting in a second projection... In Linq to SQL query, I only need Month part of that field how to write the Linq query for that? Thanks Posted 4-Mar-12 3:10am pvshafeeq548 Add a Solution 2 solutions Top Rated Most Recent Rate this: Please Sign up or sign in to vote
date format like this 2014-06-30 07:23:56.680 i want to add only day for 10 days, but the time is getdate() when i execute this query at 23:00 and result like this.. So with above said internal storgae of the DATETIME, we can first convert the DATETIME to DECIMAL, then from decimal part ignore the fractional position and get only the integer part
For example, to calculate the first day of the month, provide an anchor date that is a first day of a month, and instead of using day units, use month units: SELECT DATEADD( month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDATE()), 0); Remember that 0 represents the base date January 1, 1900. There was no need to use the DATEADD function to subtract a day because day is the default unit assumed with the use of a plus or minus operator to add or subtract an integer from a datetime value
If you enter a date in all numeric format with the year first but you include punctuation (as in 1999.05.02), SQL Server will assume that the first part is the year, even if your DATEFORMAT is DMY. If you omit the quotes in the example above, SQL Server will assume that you meant the number 20,001,012 and will interpret that figure as the number of days after the base date of January 1, 1900
;-) Do you know if using a function in this case is better for performance? -Victoria LikeLike Siva Reply May 24, 2011 at 7:29 am Victoria, if the client is having calendar month, you need to build a date based on the Period ID column in the summary table and then pass that date into the function to get the month name. Search this blog: Search for: My Last BookDynamics GP 2013 Implementation My Previous BookDynamics GP 2010 Implementation Email Subscription Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email
You may like to read the other popular articles on Date and Time: How to get Date Part only from DateTime in Sql Server How to get Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond and Time Part from DateTime in Sql Server Difference between DateTime and DateTime2 DataType 1. YEAR part of DateTime in Sql Server Following are the different ways of getting YEAR part of the DateTime in Sql Server Approach 1: Using YEAR Function We can use YEAR() function to get the YEAR part of the DateTime in Sql Server
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This is working fine but I also need to include in the result of the query days of the month where a transaction did NOT take place, those days should show as zero when counted.. The method he suggested was to use SELECT DATEADD(D, 0, DATEDIFF(D, 0, GETDATE())) I approved his method though, I finally suggested my method using function CONVERT
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