How to Build Interesting Characters in Skyrim
My visions made me distrustful of mages but this one was very friendly and we became fast friends, before I continued he taught me some enchanting and gave me a small glowing,empty sack about the size of a coin purse, he told me that it would hold infinite items but the weight would still effect me, I strapped it on my belt and bade him farewell.My maps told me I was in Skyrim but I didn't know for sure, I found a rusty helmet in the woods and tried it on, it was uncomfortable and heavy, I couldn't see very well either. His collection of "trinkets" will be all the: Dragon Priest Masks, Daedric Artefacts and other unique items, Stones of Barenziah, Litany of Larceny (though he will swap these latter two for the rewards), and will be unwilling to put any of them down, as well as using them in preference to any non-unique item.He will follow other questlines than the thieves guild eventually, but only upon hearing of a reward (e.g
Reply Kombatwombat says: December 28, 2011 at 2:57 pm I was a stage four vampire and then contracted lycanthropy, when u turned into a werewolf and reverted back after I was normal. any advice please Reply shade says: July 2, 2012 at 9:08 pm I have a question.In my room at college of winterhold the are 3 barrels.I used to store my things in there.But today when I went to my room I found them Empty.What should I do?Those things are very important for me
How To Get Gold In Skyrim: Our Elder Scrolls 5 Money Guide -
There are a number of items and potions that help raise your scores too, including the hood that comes from the Thieves Guild and the Amulets of Dibella that seem scattered everywhere in Skyrim. Blue Collar Jobs 1) Farming: There are various sharecroppers and dirt farmers throughout Skyrim who will pay you for each cabbage and carrot you bring them, then point you to a field and expect you to toil like a common laborer to extract the riches of the earth
Skyrim Marriage Guide: Who To Marry And How To Plan The Perfect Wedding In The Elder Scrolls 5 -
So now that you know everything about getting married in Skyrim, are you going to make that commitment to one of the eligible candidates above? Let us know who you choose, and if you find married life more or less satisfying than being a single adventurer. Lucky for you, there are quite a variety of ways to get one: Buy it from Maramel at either the Bee and Bard or the Temple of Mara in Riften for 200 gold
How to Build a House in Skyrim - 10 Easy Steps - wikiHow
When Bethesda released Hearthfire, the second official add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, they allowed players to build a home in their own little corner of the Nordic homeland. Selecting projects to build on the drafting table does not use resources, so do not worry if you do not have all of the wood, iron, and so on that you will need
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