My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 5, Episode 3: Castle Sweet Castle -
EDIT SHARE Facebook Twitter Permalink Fluttershy : Then Twilight will be stuck living in a castle that makes her feel...sad! (A quiet echo is heard)Pinkie Pie : Wow, Fluttershy! I didn't know you could be loud enough to echo! EDIT SHARE Facebook Twitter Permalink NOTES (2) ADD NOTES Friendship Report: The ponies all learned that what really makes a home feel like home isn't what it looks like, it's the memories you make when you are there. EDIT SHARE Facebook Twitter Permalink Rainbow Dash : Remember the time I crashed into all those books attempting my Sonic Rainboom after you guys just cleaned up? That was good time
This show makes me wanna throw my TV out of my window.moreless DO YOU AGREE? 5 19 Flag Share Hide Facebook Twitter Permalink Love this show 10 By kakalin94, Jun 15, 2015 0rmCHUe7U* the best my little pony season 5 episode 8 DO YOU AGREE? 0 0 Flag Share Hide Facebook Twitter Permalink See All Fan Reviews Latest News 10 BRONIES REJOICE MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC COMMUNITY My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Is Renewed for Season 5 Look for 26 more episodes in 2015. See All Photos Forums: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Add a Topic The themes of FIM seasons We all know the third season got a Princess Coronation theme, the fourth season got a Rainbow Power theme, and as of season five, ..
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After learning that Babs Seed has earned her cutie mark and is no longer a Cutie Mark Crusader, Apple Bloom begins to worry about getting her own cutie mark. After Spike comments on the bad friend Twilight used to be before moving to Ponyville and becoming the Princess of Friendship, Twilight decides to return to Canterlot to reconnect with her old friends
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