Shoulder arthroscopy: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
If you had a lot of repair done, you may have to wear the sling longer.You may take medicine to control your pain.When you can return to work or play sports will depend on what your surgery involved. The length of therapy will depend on what was done during your surgery.Outlook (Prognosis) Arthroscopy often results in less pain and stiffness, fewer complications, shorter (if any) hospital stays, and faster recovery than open surgery.If you had a repair, your body needs time to heal, even after arthroscopic surgery, just as you would need time to recover from open surgery
Dangers of Gum Disease Dangers of Gum Disease If you're not brushing and flossing regularly, you are at risk for gum disease and potential health problems. Laugh Therapy: Does it Work? Laugh Therapy: Does it Work? Therapist Steven Sultanoff explains the utility of humor in counseling, and Jeffrey Briar leads a session of Laughter Yoga on Laguna Beach
Pain can also occur in the shoulder from diseases or conditions that involve the shoulder joint (including arthritis), the soft tissues and bones surrounding the shoulder, or the nerves that supply sensation to the shoulder area. Common injuries of the shoulder can lead to inflammation of the bursae (bursitis) or tendons (tendonitis) and result in rotator cuff dysfunction as well as instability and frozen shoulder
I often feel tired during the day despite getting plenty of sleep. What can I do to feel more energetic?
I sit in the sun a few minutes a day if it's out and I take a talet for it every few days.Also I find if you are sitting down all day you feel more tired and sluggish so get up and move around when you can :) You can help the HubPages community highlight top quality content by ranking this answer up or down. It is normal to feel tired after having lunch also, especially a big one! For those working in a office, you should know what I mean :-) You can help the HubPages community highlight top quality content by ranking this answer up or down
Fast Facts About Shoulder Problems
How Are Shoulder Problems Diagnosed? Doctors diagnose shoulder problems by using: Medical history Physical examination Tests such as x rays, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Who Gets Shoulder Problems? What Causes Shoulder Problems? How Are Shoulder Problems Diagnosed? How Are Shoulder Problems Treated? What Are the Most Common Shoulder Problems? What Research Is Being Done on Shoulder Problems? Who Gets Shoulder Problems? Men, women, and children can have shoulder problems
Physical Therapy after a Labrum Tear in the Shoulder
He or she can confirm the diagnosis, and the proper treatment can be started right away.Diagnosis of a Labrum TearThe diagnosis of a labrum tear can be difficult because your shoulder has many small ligaments and muscles that attach around the joint. This rare labrum tear occurs at the back of your shoulder labrum and may cause your shoulder to dislocate towards the back of your body.Physical Therapy for a Labrum TearIf you have suffered a labrum tear, your doctor may refer you to physical therapy
Needless to say his mother and I are worried sick given the thousands of hrs of hard work he has put in to playing baseball to get to the college level. Considering a tenodesis or tenotomy seems to merit strong consideration for active people seeking pain relief with no complaints of instability in the shoulder and future prospective studies are needed to help guide decision making and develop a more widely accepted treatment algorithm for this injury
Brian Taylor May 24, 2011 Brian Well i just got an email tonight explaining the dates of my tryouts which is june 16 to probably the sunday which is 23 days I screwed up by takin this injury litely so i need your help With the short amount of time should i get an MRI done or go straight into therapy or in to the types of excersises and stretching techniques u described to me earlier? because i honestly think with the small pain i feel its probably in the type 1 meaning not as bad meaning i may have time to do the excersises and stretching ( rehabilitation) on my arm and be ok for the tryout? I would like to know exactly what u think i should do in this short time Clark May 24, 2011 Brian, I wrote a while back prior to having my MRI and whatnot. I can do all types of rotations and pushes without pain but I hear and feel a click or 2, but I do notice it just feels weird and weaker than it should in general Brian Schiff June 1, 2015 Matt, I cannot say for sure what is wrong or even speculate without examining you
Torn Rotator Cuff - Frozen Shoulder
Normally, tendons are strong, but the wearing down process may lead to a tear.Signs of a Torn Rotator CuffTypically, a person with a rotator cuff injury feels pain over the deltoid muscle at the top and outer side of the shoulder, especially when the arm is raised or extended out from the side of the body. It is this restricted space between the capsule and ball of the humerus that distinguishes adhesive capsulitis from a less complicated painful, stiff shoulder
One thing I still notice is that if I look at a curtain rod about 10 feet away, the good eye by itself (with other eye covered) sees the rod perfectly horizontal but the affected eye by itself sees the rod slightly tilted below. I have a bunch of old frames so I brought in a couple pairs to the optometrist and worked with him to get one set for driving and another for the computer
I did say that if I did have surgery I would have to be admitted into the hospital just in case my platelets started to fall; otherwise, I would be a little scared of the surgery. Howard Luks MD Karidene Eaton October 31, 2012 at 3:06 am - Reply I have recently found that I have lost significant range of motion in my right arm, I cannot raise my arm fully over my head, yet there is no pain at all
SLAP Tear (torn labrum left shoulder), Is a Full Recovery Without Surgery Possible?-
The doc and I had a chat about the what was ahead: the shoulder won't heal on its own, its a surgical repair (anchors pounded into the shoulder to tie everything down and together) and pretty much required for someone active. The point is, others that I have talked to all seem to follow a pattern of longer total recovey time ( back to never thinking about your shoulder) with longer times between injury and surgery
You need to have incredible shoulder flexibility to even hope to do them right, and even then they put the shoulders in very unnatural positions, and can put a ton of strain on the neck as well. They just do them as a part of their back workout, which is useful if you have lower back issues and need to strengthen the muscles, but otherwise useless
Some physical therapists also are trained to design personal fitness programs, such as prescribed muscle strengthening and range of motion exercises for cardiovascular health maintenance and weight control. If you still need more information (or if you have difficulty talking to your doctor), ask the nurse, physical therapist, social worker, occupational therapist to help you find answers to your questions
It is possible to injure the rotator cuff acutely (suddenly) in a fall or shoulder dislocation and have a significant tear of the tendon that makes motion of the shoulder difficult. Most repairs are done with some form of suture and the suture that is attached to the bone is done through the use of an anchor of which there are many types
Getting Shot, What Does It Feel Like To Be Shot With A Gun
Gord Ill comment-like you when i was 17 i was shot in the face or jaw,I can re-live every thing that went down that night,We were going to a party when my best friend came out of the bedroom with his new sawed os 22 ,he called my name and i thought we were ready to go,but as i got up he shot me ,It made me fall down i felt stupid that a air gun made me fall to the ground I did not feel nothing in the way o f pain,But let me tell you 40+ years i suffer every day of my life ,not funny one bit the dr said it was 1 in a million shots i lived.Their is a lot more but I hope that helps. BZ I got shot 6 times now wat Well all u ppl dat say dat was tasteless n all dat how uptight n how far up do u have ure underwear pick it out .but I got shot 6 times now I walk around wit a bulletproof vest n my mercedes is buletproof all ova it felt soo damm bad n no I ddnt fly back I was shot by n ak 47 wit anti.armor bullets or so called green tips in d streets I ddnt fly back n I ddnt feel all 6 bullets hit me I felt 3 n 4rm deir on I ddnt feel nomore I feel 2 d ground n I saw d car just pass me but my vision did go blurry n came back n left 4 awhile
Questions and Answers about Shoulder Problems
Sports involving overuse of the shoulder and occupations requiring frequent overhead reaching are other potential causes of irritation to the rotator cuff or bursa and may lead to inflammation and impingement. Although the shoulder is easily injured during sporting activities and manual labor, the primary source of shoulder problems appears to be the natural age-related degeneration of the surrounding soft tissues such as those found in the rotator cuff
Other People Are Reading How to Recognize Muscle Strain Symptoms How to Treat a Pulled Pectoral Muscle Pectorals and Pectoral Tearing The pectoral major muscles spread fan-like across both sides of your chest. Pec tears generally result in localized pain in the chest and front of the shoulder or shoulder pit, but pain can also radiate to the neck or upper arm
How Can The Doctor 'See' A Rotator Cuff Tear? Using shoulder ultrasound or MIR a gap in the rotator cuff tear can be seen (arrows) and the quality of the remaining rotator cuff tendons can be evaluated. Preoperative ultrasound or MRI along with a careful examination can suggest whether a repair is likely to be possible or if a smooth and move is likely to be the procedure of choice
In the case of a traumatic injury, such as a tear, the doctor will probably give you a steroid shot for the pain, as well as prescribe some pain relievers
Third, protein spares muscle tissue in that it supplies to necessary amino acids to keep the body in protein balance and hopefully a positive balance meaning more tissue is being produced than broken down. Some movements, like the deadlift (if dropped quickly from the top), cycling, or the Olympic lifts, have essentially no eccentric component if done correctly but can nonetheless lead to increased strength and muscle mass
The article titles are linked either to a PubMed* abstract of the article or to free access of the full article, so that you can read it or print out a copy to bring with you to your health care provider. Your shoulder will be very susceptible to reinjury, so it is extremely important to follow the postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon and physical therapist
Treat Your Injured Rotator Cuff or Shoulder Tendinitis Like the Professionals.
The terrible throbbing has subsided and I am once again able to throw the ball with my two German Pointers! If I over do activity, the freeze wrap helps to calm the shoulder down. After many expensive visits to a chiropractor and physical therapist, I gained some relief, but still experienced constant low level pain in the injured areas with episodes of intense debilitating pain which interfered with my sleep and work
I thought that maybe I was being a wimp or something after only having two treatments so at least I know that I am not insane and am not the only one that is having or had these experiences. Hands and feet now are numb, tingling, and painful.As a veteran i start going to the VA where they say I have peripheral neuropathy but it should go away
posted @ Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:14 PM by Christine Had MRI today Aug 4 2010 with dye the shot felt like a bee sting but was not bad, ,ake sure you turn your face away when they are putting in the dye the tube came off and the dye went on my face and in my mouth. Wondering if I should pursue surgery or wait it out til a year has passed? posted @ Monday, April 25, 2011 10:38 AM by Bruce The die injection needle hurts for about a week after
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