Why did the US drop the second atomic bomb? - Straight Dope Message Board
And if the second Fat Man was used just to see what would happen, you have to explain why those who had the authority to make these decisions were also going to use the third Fat Man once it arrived. Ouside Los Alamos, there are sites that are effectively committed to one or other design, depending on whether they're producing plutonium or enriched uranium
The South Korean president, Lee Myung-bak, convened a session of the country's security council after seismologists reported earthquakes in the Kilju region, site of the North's first nuclear test. The country's Yonhap news agency reported that the North had test-fired three short-range missiles from a base on the east coast immediately after the nuclear test
The Atomic Frontier: Atmospheric Testing in Nevada, The Two Sides By Julie Etchegaray - Summer 2001 Newsletter
Weekly, scientists would come and test their water, also going in the house, from up in the attic clear down to the basement with Geiger counters to test the radiation. Fission is a nuclear reaction in which an atomic nucleus splits into fragments (usually two of comparable mass) with the evolution of approximately 100 million to several 100 million volts of energy, expelled explosively and violently
Citizen Kurchatov - Savior of Russia
However, they quickly realized that the tremendous blast of the stronger H-bomb would create a radioactive cloud that could endanger the lives of thousands of people living in surrounding communities
the Atom Bomb in WW2
As the theoretical underpinnings of atomic energy came into focus so did the staggering complexity of the industrial effort required to make an atomic bomb. Likewise, the Army Air Force saw victory in continuing the fire bombing raids by B-29 bombers now numbering close to a 1,000 that were currently laying waste to huge areas of Japanese cities
Despite decades of research and tens of billions of dollars of expenditures, it has proven virtually impossible to construct a defense system which can reliably detect and shoot down missiles which travel faster than a speeding bullet. and Russian president would have at most 12 minutes to make the decision to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike before the arrival of the perceived attack
The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb: Arguments Against
Truman and Byrnes returning from Potsdam Byrnes has been discussed in detail above, but a summary of the key moments where his influence was most critical is appropriate. It is clear as day that the Imperial Army in Manchukuo would be completely unable to oppose the Red Army which has just won a great victory and is superior to us on all points
Top 10 Nuclear Test Sites - Listverse
A staggering 928 nuclear tests were carried out in this 3500 km square area of Nevada 107 km north of Las Vegas between 1951 and 1992, more than 800 of them underground. In the face of worldwide condemnation, India claimed its only interest in nuclear power was for peaceful purposes and declared it would not build nuclear weapons
Beyond 1.5 km the risk would have been much reduced (and 24 Australian prisoners of war about 1.5 km from the Nagasaki ground zero survived and many lived to a healthy old age). Several factors suggest that nuclear power has a much larger role to play in supplying the world's future energy needs, and this is supported by every reputable projection
MILITARY VIEWS About Dropping the Atomic Bomb
the question of whether we should drop this new bomb on Japan, in his judgment, involved such imponderable considerations as to remove it from the field of a military decision. For his part, all he could say was that the few little revetments and rural bridges that he might find to bomb in Kyushu wouldn't begin to pay for the fuel he was burning on his task force
In this climate, a number of us in Australian university circles began to study the questions of environmental risks arising from above-ground nuclear explosions. Worries about radiation produced by these relatively small fission devices fired above the ground in Australia in late 1956 were soon to be engulfed in a more serious concern
World War II: Second Atomic Bomb That Ended the War
The Quran therefore because it had mistakes in it, could not be the world of God, but was rather the work of someone human, and who could that human be other than Mohammad, the Prophet of Islam, (Peace be upon him). But after the vision an irresistible urge for knowledge, knowledge for the sake of knowledge kept me to the year 1982 in incessant endeavour, day in day out like a man possessed
The Defense Department includes in this stockpile active warheads which are operational and deployed or ready to be deployed, and inactive warheads which are maintained "in a non-operational status, and have their tritium bottle removed." It does not include warheads that have been retired and are awaiting dismantlement. Israel has not publicly conducted a nuclear test, does not admit to or deny having nuclear weapons, and states that it will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons in the Middle East
America's Reaction to the Atomic Bomb
We could prohibit foreign universitites from experimenting in dangerous directions, and counter by offering fellowships at our own universities for certain talented foreigners. Hachiya, as many of the people of Hiroshima, was a broken man, devoid of hope and spirit: "I found myself accepting whatever was told me with equanimity and a detachment I would have never believed possible
A Successful Japanese Atomic Bomb Test?
Secondly, because so few people had experienced really large explosions (and none of his witnesses had any experience of them at all), how accurate are their yield estimates? If there really was a nuclear yield it will have shown up on seismographs across the world (this is one of the ways the CTBT is enforced) - indeed, even a big conventional explosion will have shown up clearly. Perhaps also, it will help explain the heretofore unaccountable stalling of the Japanese in accepting our surrender terms as the Allies agreed to allow Hirohito to continue as puppet emperor
October, 24, Soviet ships reach the quarantine line, but receive radio orders from Moscow to hold their positions while being backed up by a Soviet submarine. The profound ideological differences between the USSR and the United States were problematic and made worse by Joseph Stalin, who ruled the USSR from 1929 to 1953 as a ruthless dictator
Nuclear Weapons - India Nuclear Forces
government sources and independent experts estimated the yield of the so-called thermonuclear test in the range of 12-25 kilotons, as opposed to the 43-60 kiloton yield claimed by India. Despite promoting a test ban treaty for decades, India voted against the UN General Assembly resolution endorsing the CTBT, which was adopted on September 10, 1996
Work by Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls in Febuary 1940, and the MAUD Committee (a code name chosen from the first name of one member's nanny) report showed the feasibility of fission weapons
Nuclear Testing 1950s :: American History
The Company makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the Material or about the results to be obtained from using the Material. In order to perfect these weapons of mass destruction, both countries needed to test their products to look for flaws in the general blue prints of the weapons
Did North Korea Test A 'Miniature' Nuclear Bomb? : NPR
"Not only do you have to have a weapon that's light enough to fit in the nose cone and small enough to fit in a nose cone, you also have to have a re-entry vehicle and design combination that is durable enough to survive the rigors of re-entry," Acton says. That's a critical claim because a small warhead would be essential if the rogue regime chose to threaten the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile
"The second important finding was the atomic tests carried out in Thuringia and on the Baltic Sea." Mr Karlsch describes what the Germans had as a "hybrid tactical nuclear weapon" much smaller than those dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki. "Karlsch has done us a service in showing that German research into uranium went further than we'd thought up till now, but there was not a German atom bomb," he added
The Story of the Atom Bomb
By careful purification of uranium and graphite, proper spacing of target and moderator to cut down the size of the pile, the chain reaction should, theoretically at least, be kept under control. Merle Antony Tuve 1901-1982 On January 26th of that year Bohr attended a Conference on Theoretical Physics at George Washington University in Washington, D.C
1964: China's first atomic bomb explodes
On the same day, the Chinese government made a solemn promise to the world that it developed nuclear weapons only for the purpose of self-defense and safeguarding national security
Britain developed its own atom bomb to remain a great power and avoid complete dependence on the United States, which was refusing to share atomic information. The bomb was put in an anchored frigate, HMS Pym, and when it exploded at 8am local time on October 3rd thousands of tons of rock, mud and sea-water were blasted into the air
Soviet Union detonates hydrogen bomb (August 1953) - Biografie Willy Brandt
is detonated on 12 August 1953 in Semipalatinsk The nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union is seen as the greatest danger and challenge to international security
It was known that German scientists had carried out heavy-water experiments in an attempt to split the atom, using research facilities in Norway and elsewhere. But it was widely believed that Nazi scientists had been hampered by a lack of pure-grade uranium, which was almost non-existent outside North America and Africa
Although this event shocked most of the world, many scientists had pointed out that given sufficient time, any industrial nation could construct an atomic bomb
The soviet exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949, how did the United States react to this? - Homework Help - eNotes.com
The first thing that the US did was to propose a plan where both the US and the Soviet Union would turn over all their weapons to the United Nations so that neither nation would be able to use the weapons. Our secondary reaction, then was to develop our technology further, and a hydrogen thermonuclear device along with nuclear missiles would become realities within 6 years of the Soviet bomb test
An amendment of the Atomic Energy Act in 1954 had made limited exchanges possible, and the pressures of the Cold War made the need for cooperation ever more urgent as time passed. One Tree 1 (29 K) One Tree 2 (26 K) One Tree 3 (21 K) One Tree 4 (18 K) Test:Round 2, Marcoo Site Time:04 October 1956 (0700 GMT, 16:30 CST) Location:Marcoo Site, Maralinga Test Range Test Height and Type:Surface, 0.2 meters Yield:1.5 kt This was a test of the Blue Danube bomb equipped with a low yield Mark I enriched uranium core (predicted yield just under 2 kt)
Nuclear Weapons - China Nuclear Forces
The combination of China's few nuclear weapons and technological factors such as range, accuracy, and response time might further limit the effectiveness of nuclear strikes against counterforce targets. The decision to develop an independent strategic nuclear force was made no later than early 1956 and was to be implemented within the Twelve-Year Science Plan presented in September 1956 to the Eighth Congress of the CCP
What year did the Soviet Union explode their first atomic bomb
About 60 percent of the population was injured or killed instantly, and 100,000 more would suffer everything from mild illness to death from radiation sickness in the following years. The Enola Gay's crew was horrified by the sight of the city "boiling" in "purple smoke" behind them.The Little Boy bomb was a highly successful design for its day, and delivered the first nuclear payload in history to its target
The feeling of many could be expressed by ''Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.' We were reaching into the unknown and we did not know what might come of it. At twenty minutes before zero hour, General Groves left for his station at the base camp, first because it provided a better observation point and second, because of our rule that he and I must not be together in situations where there is an element of danger, which existed at both points
Significant industrial, political, and military installations further east would require one-way missions until the Soviets had an aerial refueling capability. intelligence analysis, which for several years had asserted that the Soviets were unlikely to have the bomb before mid-1953, although mid-1950 was also possible
United States conducts first test of the atomic bomb - Jul 16, 1945 - HISTORY.com
facebook twitter google+ Read More Advertisement 1945 The first atomic bomb test is successfully exploded On this day in 1945, at 5:29:45 a.m., the Manhattan Project comes to an explosive end as the first atom bomb is successfully tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico. facebook twitter google+ Read More Crime 1979 An army doctor is accused of stabbing his family to death Jeffrey MacDonald stands trial in North Carolina for the murder of his wife and children nearly 10 years before
When did Russia test their atomic bomb
Following on the heels of Thales's work was Democritus (460-370 B.C.), a Greek philosopher who is widely called the "father of the atom." While Democritus did not have experimental proof to support him, he maintained that all matter must consist of a number of fundamental pieces. Some elements do not have a constant atomic weight, but rather the atomic weight fluctuates according to the physical and chemical nature and history of that specific element
Khariton later said, "when we succeeded in solving this problem, we felt relief, even happiness -- for in possessing such a weapon we had removed the possibility of its being used against the USSR with impunity." Beria's own joy temporarily dissipated when his suspicions got the better of him. Those who would have been shot if the bomb had failed, became Heroes of Socialist Labor; those who would have been imprisoned were awarded the less prestigious honor, the Order of Lenin
Soviets explode atomic bomb - Aug 29, 1949 - HISTORY.com
9639, giving the Secretary of the Navy the power to seize control of and operate a list of petroleum refineries and transportation companies in order to counteract strikes by oil workers. facebook twitter google+ Read More Disaster 1960 Hurricane Donna is born On this day in 1960, the storm that would become Hurricane Donna forms near Cape Verde off the African coast
29 August 1949 - First Soviet nuclear test: CTBTO Preparatory Commission
Traces from it were also detected by the United States, altering it to the fact that its monopoly on nuclear weapons had been broken, which was public confirmed by U.S. Read more on the effects of Soviet nuclear testing.After its independence from the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan closed the test site on 29 August 1991, exactly 42 years after RDS-1
Cold War Museum
President Truman responded by reevaluating the United States position in the world and called for the United States to build up its conventional and nuclear weapons to halt the spread of Soviet influence around the globe. The impact that the possession of nuclear weapons by the Soviet Union had upon the United States was that it caused Americans to question their own safety
Also like the American program, the idea of amplifying the yield of a fission bomb by igniting a limited fusion reaction in a lithium-6 deuteride blanket also arose. The quantity of radioactive debris that leaked into the atmosphere was so insignificant that the possibility of its fallout outside the territorial limits of the Soviet Union should be excluded
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