Australia's Rainforests
A valuable resource for cultivated plants, many foods, raw materials and medicines, still each year over 20 million hectares are destroyed worldwide, logged for timber and cleared to plant crops and graze cattle. Every broad rainforest type is found in Australia, the driest inhabited continent on earth, where rainforests extend from the Kimberley region in Western Australia, across the Northern Territory to Cape York in Queensland and down the east coast through New South Wales and Victoria to Tasmania
rainforest - kids for saving earth
The variety of life here is astonishing, from beetles to birds to bats, from snakes to vines to plants with healing powers, six foot lizards, monkeys, mushrooms and beautiful exotic flowers. It is here in Costa Rica that Kids for Saving Earth Worldwide has chosen to support an area which has been designated as the Kids for Saving Earth Rainforest
BBC Nature - Rainforest videos, news and facts
Watch video clips from past programmes (28 clips) In order to see this content you need to have an up-to-date version of Flash installed and Javascript turned on. Going, going, gone One third of known species are under threat - do they have more than a future on film? We've unearthed footage of some remarkable animals, plants and habitats that are facing an imminent threat to their survival
The collection specializes in members of the family Araceae (aroids) including Philodendron, Anthurium, Alocasia, Colocasia, Monstera, Amorphophallus and other members of this family of nearly 3700 species in 119 genera
Facts about the Global Coverage of Rainforests Covering less than 2 percent of the Earth's total surface area, the world's rainforests are home to 50 percent of the Earth's plants and animals. Rainforests provide many important products for people: timber, coffee, cocoa and many medicinal products, including those used in the treatment of cancer
Juliana's has twelve rooms; six enjoying ocean-views having hammocks with private balconies and three looking out over the gardens having kitchenettes and air-condition. The living room opens its doors onto a side porch, which has a view of the mountains, you will definitely feel at home and part of the local culture in this traditional Saban house
They are found in central Africa (Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania), northern Australia and central South America (Venezuela and Brazil).Desert is the driest and hottest of areas. Grasslands include the Puszta in Hungary, the Veldt in South Africa, the Pampas in Argentina and the Prairies in the USA.Temperate deciduous forests contain trees that lose their leaves and are found across Europe and USA
Tropical Rainforest Information for Kids
I was fascinated by the pictures of strange animals living in distant lands and as I got older, my mother and father encouraged my learning by taking me on trips to other countries so I could see wildlife firsthand
Hundreds of pages of documentation, validation and information on rainforest medicinal plants can be found on this website in an effort to help educate people about the true wealth of the rainforest - these important medicinal plants. Many organizations have demonstrated that if the medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, oils and other resources like rubber, chocolate and chicle, were harvested sustainably - rainforest land has much more economic value than if timber were harvested or if it were burned down for cattle or farming operations
This is because cooler temperatures led to a reduction in the rate of evaporation of water from, in particular, the surface of the oceans, which led in turn to less cloud formation and less precipitation. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind: Encyclopaedia Britannica articles are written in a neutral, objective tone for a general audience
KDE Santa Barbara
Trees in temperate rainforests can live much longer than humans, some live for up to 1000 years! Tropical rainforests have a bigger variety of trees, hundreds of species in fact! These trees are mostly broadleaf trees and have a shorter lifespan. In temperate rainforests common epiphytes are mosses and ferns, while in tropical rainforests there are many kinds of epiphytes, including orchids and bromeliads
Tropical Rain Forest
They are there to discourage a species of parasitic fly from attacking the large worker and laying an egg on it (the small workers are too small for the fly larvae to develop)
Temperate rainforests are found along the Pacific coast of the USA and Canada (from northern California to Alaska), in New Zealand, Tasmania, Chile, Ireland, Scotland and Norway. Many of these groups, like the Yanomamo tribe of the Amazon rainforests of Brazil and southern Venezuela, have lived in scattered villages in the rainforests for hundreds or thousands of years
Rainforest : Mission: Biomes
Example: Campa Pita, Belize Temperature graph:Click to enlarge Precipitation graph:Click to enlarge Location map:Click to enlarge Description There are two types of rainforests, tropical and temperate
Tropical Rainforest
Hydroelectric Power An unlimited supply of water and ideal river conditions have led to the development of hydro electric power stations (HEP Stations). What is the impact of humans on the tropical rainforest? Deforestation (cutting down trees) is a major problem caused by humans in the tropical rainforest
Tropical Deforestation : Feature Articles
Tropical forests include dense rainforests, where rainfall is abundant year-round; seasonally moist forests, where rainfall is abundant, but seasonal; and drier, more open woodlands. After this slash-and-burn deforestation, the nutrient reservoir is lost, flooding and erosion rates are high, and soils often become unable to support crops in just a few years
In other climates, the evaporation is carried away to fall as rain in far off areas, but in the rain forests, 50 percent of the precipitation comes from its own evaporation. Common characteristics found among mammals and birds (and reptiles and amphibians, too) include adaptations to a life in the trees, such as the prehensile tails of New World monkeys
Rainforest Facts
Those millennia gave the Indians time to discover and learn empirically the virtues and vices of the thousands of edible and medicinal species in the rainforest. "Squatter's rights" still prevail, and poor, hungry people show little enthusiasm for arguments about the value of biodiversity or the plight of endangered species when they struggle daily to feed their families
Tropical Rainforests
They are an important habitat for migratory animals and sustain as much as 50 percent of the species on Earth, as well as a number of diverse and unique indigenous cultures. Tropical rainforests play an elemental role in regulating global weather in addition to maintaining regular rainfall, while buffering against floods, droughts, and erosion
Where are rainforests found?
The site is highly acclaimed by a number of the world's leading tropical scientists and is run independently, meaning it is has no affiliation with advocacy groups or outside corporations. The countries with the largest areas of tropical forest are (in order): Brazil Congo (Democratic Republic) Peru Indonesia Colombia Other countries that have large areas of rainforest include Bolivia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ecuador, Gabon, Guyana, India, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Congo, Suriname, and Venezuela
Where are Rainforests Located?
There are a few other coastal strips with temperate rainforests, including small areas in the United Kingdom, Norway, Japan, New Zealand, and southern Australia
Temperate rainforests are found along the Pacific coast of the USA and Canada (from northern California to Alaska), in New Zealand, Tasmania, Chile, Ireland, Scotland and Norway. The Olympic rain forest (located on the Olympic peninsula in the state of Washington, United States of America) is a temperate rain forest near the Pacific ocean
Where are the Rainforests?
GO TO TOP AUSTRALASIA Millions of years ago, Australia, New Zealand and the island of New Guinea formed part of a great forested southern continent, isolated from the rest of the world
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