Minimum for this quest is two players I'd say but without a healer it can sometimes get tough if you are only two, so try to be at least 3 players and possibly take a healer with you. Before, it didn't matter which mobs you killed (in the mines) in order to obtain your crystals, now it will matter and we'll define a clear killing path
Brutal Nether Drake - Item - World of Warcraft
Comment by zerovirus123 Seems like each season Blizzard had been improving on the Arena Nether drake Comment by zerovirus123 Behold! WOW's Lamborghini Showdown! Comment by Darkrainin comanion to the netherwhelp's collar companion Comment by Darkrainin Lol i'll pvp just for this.... Comment by esmodus when i can buy it can you say to me? Comment by Jarkeler How can you say such a thing! In my opinion, arena nether drakes are the BEST looking flying mounts in the game, even cooler than the frostwyrms
Netherwing drake mounts - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft
Most of these drakes can be obtained following a lengthy reputation grind to Exalted status with the Netherwing faction, but there are also four drake mounts which were given out as arena-rating rewards for the first four arena seasons. In addition to these quests, players can also gain reputation by collecting Netherwing eggs from the hills around Netherwing Ledge, the mines underneath Netherwing ledge and the orc camp southeast Warden's Cage
Swift Nether Drake - Item - World of Warcraft
Gz to everyone who got it, S1 was the season of skill, no FoTM, no Arenajunkies to tend to for tactics and strategies, just pure improvized and spontanous skill :)! Comment by Seraphis The best rare mount in the game. A chain developed with one approach giving way to the other.This approach classic tall uggs closely follows the philosophical ugg boots sale uk approach with a beauty of its own
Nether drake - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft
Both Horde and Alliance will have their own special type of mount, but there are also mounts that will be extremely rare even among the most powerful characters. To this day, some parts of Outland are still unreachable by foot or boat, floating eerily on the horizon as silent reminders of the terrible fate that befell Draenor
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