Monday, 27 July 2015

Why is hydrogen used to inflate hot air balloons

Top sites by search query "why is hydrogen used to inflate hot air balloons"
OPINION Bending the rules for immigrant parents on birth certificates opens door to more illegal immigration By Ian Smith The latest push by amnesty advocates to grant greater privileges to illegal aliens recently came in the form of a multi-party lawsuit against the state of Texas
In addition, Avogadro was not part of an active community of chemists: the Italy of his day was far from the centers of chemistry in France, Germany, England, and Sweden, where Berzelius was based. From this hypothesis it followed that relative molecular weights of any two gases are the same as the ratio of the densities of the two gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure

The Energy Story - Chapter 3: Resistance and Static Electricity
Around 600 BCE (Before the Common Era) Greeks noticed a strange effect: When rubbing "elektron" against a piece of fur, the amber would start attracting particles of dust, feathers and straw. Glass, however, when rubbed with silk, acquired what he termed "vitreous electricity." He thought that electricity repeled the same kind and attracts the opposite kind of electricity
Originally I intended the tracker to run from 4 AAA lithium cells but the runtime on those was around 4.5 hours, which would mean connecting the batteries at the launch site shortly before launch. It was, and of course it had been transmitting images during our preparations, including this one overhead: For launch the wind was very still so I just held the payload in front of the live streaming webcam and let go

Stars on Set Photos - ABC News
26, 2014.Rex USALea Michele and Cris Colfer Hold Vigil at 'Glee'Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, Chord Overstreet and Darren Criss on the set of 'Glee' in Los Angeles, Feb. 19, 2013, in Bulgaria.Splash NewsWhy James Franco Is Flying HighJamie Dornan arrives on the set of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' with co-star Dakota Johnson in Vancouver, Dec
Q: Where does the term "Blimp" come from? A: The popular story is that during World War II, a military general visited one of the many airship stations operated by the U.S. Q: Why do Airships Fly? A: Why airships fly is explained by the Principle of Archimedes: "Bodies submerged into a fluid receive from it a lifting force which is equal to the mass of the displaced fluid." (This is the same principle that explains why boats float on water.) The airship is filled with a lifting gas (Hydrogen, Helium, hot air or natural gas)

Lifting Power of Helium and Hydrogen and Rigid Airship Operations
2) While methane is a tried and true way to power your engines and generators, it is expensive, wasteful, and down-right dirty when you compare it with my own system. Reply Mike Dinsdale November 7, 2012 at 2:37 am In the design of the Trimorphic Disc Sail the issue of the expansion of the lifting gas be it helium or hydrogen is compensated for by the expansion of twelve segmented gas ballonets interconnected by hoses and small valves within a ring mesh array able to expand

spacecraft development - Could it be possible to launch a rocket from a balloon? - Space Exploration Stack Exchange
I tried to get them to give me a little more suspended weight, which in theory they could with a little more helium, but they would not budge due to the load limit of the balloon envelope. But where's the re-usability in that? That makes it a difficult equation to make a competitive launch system, although, that depends on the technology status for high altitude tethered systems
Learn more Where Loon has been Project Loon began in June 2013 with an experimental pilot in New Zealand, where a small group of Project Loon pioneers tested Loon technology. Project Loon is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, help fill coverage gaps, and bring people back online after disasters

everyday life - Why do balloons deflate? - Physics Stack Exchange
How to avoid it? How to detect if the point is within a comment area? Why does a free-falling body experience no force despite accelerating? How to best upgrade your Towel for military combat Remove gcc from Ubuntu How did Vader know that Obi-Wan was helping Luke? When can correlation be useful without causation? What is an afterburner and how long can a jet fly on afterburner? Do your spells end when you die? The word TEST in the invitation for usability testing cause fear in users. Related 26 Why does a tire need to be filled with air? 6 Why is it hard to breathe when cycling against the wind? 0 Why do we feel a sudden chill? 0 Why does my eardrum feel strange inside a car? 1 Balloon, lighter than air and vacuum? 74 Why is filling a balloon from your mouth much harder initially? 2 Mass of air inside air balloon 15 Why do bubbles make a sound? 2 If hot air expands in all directions why is the balloon moving up? 6 The physics behind Balloons lifting objects? Hot Network Questions puzzle 3-d visualization demostration of interger part integration

Buoyancy: helium vs hydrogen balloons - Physics Stack Exchange
Buoyant force is simply equal to the weight of the amount of surrounding fluid that would occupy the space filled by the balloon, if the balloon were not there. That means the buoyant force on them, which is just enough to hold up air, is more than enough to hold up the balloons, and they have to be tethered down
Scientists do not fill the balloon to capacity for strategic reasons: as a balloon rises into the atmosphere, the pressure around the balloon decreases. That person should mail the radiosonde back to a reconditioning center where scientists read the data, repair any damages and reuse the radiosonde for a future flight
For more detailed information on design and construction -- Stay tuned! NOTE: For any type of experimental fire balloon, it is not a good idea to rely too much on an outside heat source. This provides "negative draft," which helps to reduce the de-stabilizing effects of "billowing." "H-Frames" are made by tying three balsa wood sticks together with string
After a successful free flight in England was made by Vincent Lunardi in September of 1784, a new goal was set by a pair of intrepid aeronauts - Jean-Pierre Blanchard and his companion, Dr. It is reported to have risen to a height of about 1,000 feet and traveled about 3,000 ft horizontally before it fell to the ground as the air in the envelope cooled
Wikimedia Commons In 1794, during the Battle of Fleurus in the French Revolution, a balloon called Entreprenant was flown for aerial observation to suss out enemy positions during combat. In 1808, two Frenchmen found themselves in a love-triangle with Mademoiselle Tirevit, a celebrated opera dancer, and took to the skies above Paris for a duel

How to Become a Hot Air Balloon Pilot - Balloon Flight Training
You will be expected to assist in handling equipment weighing several hundred pounds, be able to withstand hard landings (yours not mine), and working outdoors in temperature extremes. We are pay as you go, so there is no requirement to put down a large sum at once, however; if you have to take breaks in training, for any reason, it will ultimately cost you more
As newspaper headlines blare "PROFESSOR SHERMAN IN WRONG OCEAN WITH TOO MANY BALLOONS," Sherman refuses to explain how or why he came to be there, determined that the fellow members of San Francisco's Western American Explorers Club will be the first to hear his tale of "extraordinary adventure." The resulting story, featuring caves with walls of solid diamond, a secret tropical utopia with a government based completely on the exchange of gourmet meals, and a daring escape from the catastrophic explosion of the volcanic island of Krakatau, is hilarious, captivating and sure to leave readers longing for a hot air balloon of their own. How? Amazon Independent Booksellers Still reeling from the unexpected death of his parents, Neil Franklin finds himself suddenly a Lord, destitute, and unable to support his sister Nora
Helium should not be confused with hydrogen, which is an inflammable gas that was often used in balloons and airships until the explosion of the airship Hindenburg in 1937. How can they refine their designs for better performance, or alter the designs for different results? Have the students research the part that balloons played in the history of flight

Solar Hot Air Balloon Message-in-a-Bottle
have you ever wondered why it is that government people when they harm a non government person gets off the hook on a technicality when it is clear they are guilty? the exception to this rule is if they government person is televised red handed in the act. Once the surface of the bag cools below the dewpoint for that humidity, those same X grams will drop out of vapor form into liquid water on the inside of the bag
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO INFLATE AND DEFLATE AND PACK THE BALLOON? A good ground crew can inflate in about 15 or 25 minutes and deflate, stow and be on its way in half an hour or less. You must pass a FAA written exam, obtain a prescribed number of hours of instructions, make a solo flight and a flight to altitude, and pass a flight test

hydrogen - Why do we use helium in balloons? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Unfortunately a video of a helium filled balloon is not available, but it basically only ruptures and pops because of the different pressures on the in- and outside. Air, meanwhile, is mostly oxygen and nitrogen: oxygen has a molecular mass of about 32 AMU (8 protons + 8 neutrons per atom, two atoms per molecule), while nitrogen is close to 28 AMU (one proton and one neutron per atom less than oxygen)

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