The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Location 1 - Fire: You will learn it during Dustman's Cairn quest after completing the "Proving Honor" quest from The Companions because it opens a new area of the dungeon that contains the Dragon Shout word. Location 1 - Force: In Bleak Falls Barrow, west of Riverwood in the mountains; it requires the "Bleak Falls Barrow" main quest (obtained from Whiterun, north of Riverdale) or "The Golden Claw" side quest (obtained from Lucan in Riverwood)
Ghorza Gra-Bagol (Markarth) Race: Orsimer She is an orc blacksmith to be found at city of Markarth and becomes avaibale to marriage after you acquire the Amulet of Mara. Additional tips:If she is dismissed for any reason, even automatically because of a quest companion taking over, she enters a state in which she will no longer be a companion and keeps all the equipment given to her
Guild followers will become available to you after you finish a certain number of quests for storylines such as the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood. For example, follower Aela prefers to wear light armor and use archery, but she will wear heavy armor and use two handed weapons if that is the only thing that she has
Enemies just have a ton of HP and hit like a truck, which means one constantly kites everything (sprint-shout + exploding runes + bow) and that only breaks immersion. He had this cool smoking jacket thing going on, so I snuck out onto the balcony, shot a helpless old man in the back of the head, stole his clothes and threw his naked body over the side
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Cheats (PC Cheats)
Verify this Report this Submitted by: Machienzo on November 13, 2011 Level Caps Information When improving your Skills, heed the following advice:In general, it's better to increase your Skills and level up naturally, rather than trying to find ways to exploit the game. Instead, focus on improving the Skills you're most interested in, and ignore perks you won't take advantage of, even if they're in a Skill you use constantly
Skyrim useful tips and tricks
When you start off the game, go enchant a bunch of iron daggers to get your enchanting skill up while at the same time selling all the daggers for significant amounts of gold. Spread the love! If you are new to gold making, or want to expand your markets for greater profits, then consider becoming an Ethereal Contributor to gain access to additional guidance on gold making, as well as our private dedicated help and support forum
They were both archers, however Faendal seems to have higher moral standings, and will criticize you for breaking into houses.There are also several followers in Whiterun. Aela is an archer type.Njada Stonearm can also be found in The Companions area, and has the same criteria as Aela, but she is more of a fighter type.Ria is another of The Companions that will follow you after the Glory of the Dead quest, and is also a fighter type.Increase Carrying Capacity with PotionsThey removed the Feather spell from Oblivion, so now the only temporary solution to your weight limit is through potions
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Cheats - GameSpot
coc Rivertown removeallitems Removes all items of selected NPC player.setav speedmult X increases movement speed where X is a percentage multiplier (eg. Instead of doing either of these you can enter sneak mode and go behind which ever NPC is giving you the tutorial and attack him over and over again with no consequence since he will not retaliate or die
Friends and Allies: Skyrim Companions and Followers
For information about changing your character's appearance, check out my other HubPages tutorial: How to Change Your Character's Appearance and Name in Skyrim. If you know anything about modding, this is incredibly easy to change: just open the mod in the Creation Kit, double-click the NPC in the Actor list and select the Protected setting (if you're really hard core you can deselect Protected and Essential and enemies will be able to kill your followers like normal NPCs)
After doing some research on the Skyrim wiki, I discovered that sometimes when Lydia leaves, you can find her at Breezehome, the player housing available for purchase in Whiterun
Guild followers will become available to you after you finish a certain number of quests for storylines such as the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood. For example, follower Aela prefers to wear light armor and use archery, but she will wear heavy armor and use two handed weapons if that is the only thing that she has
If a follower refuses to mount, use the Bill of Sale to switch ownership of the horse to one thats compatible to a given follow at a given point in your game. However, you can only buy them by activating the ledger due to a vanilla quest conflictVersion History1.4.0 - Adds ability to switch faction ownership to overcome problems with some followers not mounting
Venur New Member Joined: Dec 22, 2011 Messages: 4 Reputation: 0 Told her to stay befour going insde the Thalmor ambassy then completed the whole quest in their so now I,ve escaped by the secret passage and now I can,t go back into the embassu courtyard to tell her to follow me again. We also have the latest Skyrim News and fun stuff like Roleplaying and even a Skyrim Fan Fiction section! Are you here to discuss Dawnguard? You may discuss it by signing up and checking out this section
Raise level of companions! In the original game, their level is automatically kept on a level with you, but with this mod you can control it! All satellites will be able to ride on horseback - you can find a horse in the stables Winterhold
The stray dog can be found outside of helgen but u gotta be at least level ten and this is how i find the dog fast travel get across helgen and search the wild he will be fighting something random like wolves or a bear but if u want to keep em never tell him to go home and it makes sense that hes near helgen Reply Report RandomIdoit - December 24, 2011 11 p.m. Casual or hardcore, big screen or small, console or handheld, blockbuster or cult classic - whatever you're into or whatever genres you love, GamesRadar+ is there to filter out what's really worth your time
Massive list of all the tips and tricks. : skyrim
You can fast travel while over encumbered with a horse If you are completely outmatched against a mage (as in, an enemy that uses ONLY magic), try to get behind cover. Examples of posts that will get removed: Screenshots with anything superimposed on the image (text, real life items) Locations or Items in real life that remind you of Skyrim (dark brotherhood hand prints, sweetrolls), though crafts are permitted Screenshots of texts, facebook or other social networking sites (jokes on facebook, 4chan images) Any posts related to Piracy (Support the game creators!) FAQ: Skyrim FAQ PC System Requirements Tag your submissions! Place any of the following tags in the title of your post to highlight it
Massive list of all the tips and tricks. : skyrim
Planning on making a mage character? Make sure you pick the lock on the cage in the Helgen torture room, as you can get robes that increase your magicka and magicka regeneration rate. You can fast travel while over encumbered with a horse If you are completely outmatched against a mage (as in, an enemy that uses ONLY magic), try to get behind cover
Traveling - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Wiki Guide - IGN
Also it seems that after joining either the Imperial Legion or the Stormcloaks there are occasionally unowned horses wandering around the camps as well as at the forts you raid that will not result in a bounty. A benefit to earning and using this free horse is that you can simply go to Riften and take a new horse if yours dies in battle which saves 1,000 of your hard earned gold
It took me half an hour searching the dungeon to see if she was trapped behind a cart (not the first time) and it only then sawned onme what had actually happened. Essential for extended exploration of World Or Warcraft, and indeed in any number of other games, ascending mountains inevitably requires exploiting glitches and tricks that allow you to sort of slide up crevices, slide along sides, and whenever you catch a firm footing, jump to claim a few more feet
Annekke Crag-Jumpter (Archer, uses archery, light armor, block, one handed weapons, and sneak.) Vorstag (Class unknown.) Location: Markath Dark Brotherhood These followers will join you after completing the Dark Brotherhood quests. Types of Followers: Hirelings Housecarls The Companions College of Winterhold Dungeon Followers Other Followers Dark Brotherhood Animal Followers Hirelings Hirelings can be hired for 500 gold each
You then take a horse and use it, and it stays Daniel On November 22, 2011 at 3:05 pm (To nisrox) if you go tell the women your stealing the horse from she will tell you to go ahead with the plain, and that she will deal with the others later, when you go to steal frost, (which the horse is extremly strong and takes a lot of damage, one of the strongest in the game) if you are a sneak like me this place is a great way to level up, save constantly when you are there, try different things, i killed everyone in that place with a single blow silently to the throat or back with a dagger on adept difficulty, my sneak was around 58-60 and i left with 65. Daniel On November 22, 2011 at 3:10 pm If you tell the women that you are going to steal the horse it helps bc you wont get a bounty, there are some cases where you will get one, if you dont find the papers and you just take the horse Juggalo Assassin On November 23, 2011 at 10:26 am The problem with horses is that, for me at least, they keep dying
I get tired of constantly having to start dialogue with them and then check their equipment to see if something from a chest or fallen foe will improve their stats. Dying - There is nothing more infuriating in Skyrim to me than strategically spending about ten minutes in a boss battle only to accidentally kill your companion
Skyrim:Followers - UESPWiki
These followers wear robes as their default apparel, so they will accept any armor given to them; however, they will not equip any other robes, since all robes have an armor rating of "0". 50 3 1 1 Maurice Jondrelle The Blessings of Nature After retrieving Nettlebane and talking to Danica Pure-Spring, he will engage you in conversation and ask to come with you
We also have the latest Skyrim News and fun stuff like Roleplaying and even a Skyrim Fan Fiction section! Are you here to discuss Dawnguard? You may discuss it by signing up and checking out this section. If you're here just for the discussion you can check out our General Skyrim Discussion section or if you're here for help you can check out our Skyrim Help section
Steam Workshop :: Companion Cart: Follower's Edition!
Simply walk up to him (he is just outside of the Pelagia Farm, along the road to the watchtower outside Whiterun), talk to him about it, and purchase it from him. When I downloading this cart it was because I misunderstood that with a huge wagon that carries 5 people in the begining of the game (Imperial Soldier driving, in the back there is you Ralof, Ulfric and the horse thief Lokir) Yeah that isn't how this cart works
Mounted Followers at Skyrim Nexus - mods and community
unless they use their own conditions and protocols which I cannot know.If your follower doesn't mount:Followers that don't mount are not in the right faction that is why.. they will catch up ).4 - The AI will not enter combat unless you dismount and so the normal behavior starts.5 - If your follower is very close to you and you dismount, they may not dismount at first..
GameFront Video Walkthroughs app for iOS GameFront Video Walkthroughs app for Android The domesticated Hearthfire DLC for Skyrim comes with a wealth of new features, from buying a plot, to building a house, to hiring your own servants
Skyrim:Horses - UESPWiki
Also, most of the military camps have two horses at them; some of those horses are free to ride as well, even if you are on the opposite side from the camp (e.g. If this happens you will be able to move around as a werewolf but the camera will be fixed to the horse until you turn human again and mount your horse
Animal Companions - The Tamriel Vault
Comment by McNuggle on October 30, 2011 at 6:20am It would be nice to have a dog wandering about your home just to make it seem more lively, especially if it is a mansion. So, I remember reading somewhere that you can get a dog as a companion in Skyrim, but I want to know if you guys think we'll be able to befriend other animals
Follower (Skyrim) - The Elder Scrolls Wiki
Theoretically, a player with all DLCs can have a maximum of 15 followers at one time, though this can be undesirable in cramped spaces, such as dungeons. In the base game, almost all available housecarls are Nord warriors, however, Hearthfire adds additional housecarls for The Pale, Falkreath and Hjaalmarch
Horse and Companion - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Message Board for PC - GameFAQs
I went to Riften and was attacked by a dragon, in the heat of battle I ran into a horse that didn't have Steal written on it when I hovered my cursor over it. My companions often lag far behind, and it seems it would only be worse if I got the horse...Also, know where I can find a horse that I don't have to buy and don't have to steal?According to another poster there is
skyrim - How can I teach new spells to a follower? - Arqade
For example, if you want your follower to be able to summon a Frost Atronach, type: help "conjure frost atronach" 4 This will return several hexcode values. On PC, with Lydia holding as much as she possibly could, she still simply added the book to her inventory, even though it put her over her weight limit
Steam Workshop :: Horses for Followers
(Please read known Issues) 1.2.0 - Adds a ledger (book) to all stables in case all the stable owners die, or their topics become inaccessable due to other quests taking control of them. 1.4.0 - Adds Bill of Sale: select owning faction, sell back horses, rescue horses 1.3.4 - Fixed bug causing Companions' horse to teleport with the player if follower is waiting - Reverted back to Current Follower ownership since this proved better than player Faction ownership
Horses for Followers at Skyrim Nexus - mods and community
- proper messages displayed when using the stables' ledger book to buy horses.1.3.1 - Horse will follow the player's horse (inc Shadowmere and Frost) + "steal" no longer displayed.1.2.6 - Adds the files missing from the last upload. Use the Bill of Sale to solve problems with followers not mounting.3.The horse will not return to stables if the follower rides a different horse.4.The companion and their horse will now fast travel with the player
Companion Horses? - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Forum (Skyrim) - Neoseeker Forums
The point being : "As much as i apreciate the free world envoiroment, it IS FULL of bugs, and they have never had a bug-fixing point of view over their games. I get what they're trying to do, but when you want to do smth revolutionary you have to leave aside profit (during development) and invest however much you can to get it as close to perfect as you can
Horse (Skyrim) - The Elder Scrolls Wiki
Even with Shadowmere being able to die like any other horse in Skyrim, Shadowmere will respawn after 10 days in game at the location of death or at the pool where he was first acquired. In addition to their increased strength and stamina, horses can also charge through and leap over obstacles with similar restrictions as the unmounted Dragonborn
skyrim - Can I buy a horse for my follower? - Arqade
2 - You can fast travel but note that your follower may not be teleporting with you if you were mounted, IT IS NOT AN ISSUE tho your companion will come back after a while (specially if you transition to doors etc) 3 - Once their AI kicks in followers are rather slow (they walk) to catch their horse ( just go.. Horses For Followers Horses for Followers will make new horses available to buy at all the main stables Better Follower Improvements will enable your companion to ride them and follow you
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